Balade Petrice Kerempuha
The Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh is a collection of poems by Miroslav Krleža, published in 1936, in which the poet, through the character of the folk sage and satirist Petrica Kerempuh, depicts the difficult history of the Croatian people, especially the p
Krleža uses grotesque, irony and dark humor to depict centuries-old suffering, rebellions and suffering of oppressed people, especially in the context of feudal and church repression. Historical motifs intertwine with surreal images and strong symbolism, while Petrica Kerempuh, a wanderer and folk entertainer, becomes a messenger of truth and a rebel against injustice.
The collection contains poems such as "Khevenhiller", "Mali meštar Bibibibi" and "Ni med cvetjem ni pravice", in which the author speaks of bloody conflicts, betrayals and illusions of a people who eternally suffer under the boot of those in power.
The collection is written in the Kajkavian dialect, which gives Krleža authenticity and strong expression to folk speech and tradition. Krleža's combination of Kajkavian expression, historical references and expressionist poetics makes this collection one of the most important achievements of Croatian literature.
One copy is available