Religion & Beliefs
Što je sveta misa?
This book provides a detailed explanation of the Holy Mass, its meaning and importance in the Catholic faith.
Što mijenja svijet
The book deals with themes that explore factors and events that have the power to change the world.
Što tvrdi moderna znanost o početku ljudskog života
Das Buch „Was die moderne Wissenschaft über den Beginn des Lebens eines Individuums sagt“ von Edvard C. Freiling und einer Autorengruppe untersucht wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf den Beginn des menschlichen Lebens.
Stvorite molitvene zajednice u Crkvi!
"The dwelling of God among men": it is the sanctuary, the living Lord, the Risen One, the king of kings, the Lord of our life. This is the development that is described in this booklet: Gather around that house of God among people!
Subotička Danica (nova) - Kalendar za 1995. godinu
Suputnici bosanske povijesti: sedam stoljeća djelovanja bosanskih franjevaca
Susreti s Kristom
Jurčić is a famous Croatian writer, professor of English language, literature and philosophy, who has published numerous novels, collections of poems, essays and plays.
Susret s Bogom
The book explores the themes of spirituality and personal encounter with God, providing readers with guidance for deepening their faith and spiritual life.
Suvremena katolička enciklopedija
Enciklopedija je priređena za brzo i lako traženje podatka. Dodane su neke natuknice važne za katolicizam u Hrvata kojih u američkom izvorniku nema.
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