Botanika i travarstvo
201 vrtna biljka u boji
„201 baštenska biljka u boji“ Roba Herviga je sveobuhvatan vodič za entuzijaste baštovana, koji nudi detaljan pregled raznovrsnih biljnih vrsta koje mogu obogatiti svaku baštu.
400 vrtnih biljaka za uređenje okućnice
Ova prelepo ilustrovana enciklopedija iz pera vodećeg imena američke hortikulture zapravo sadrži četiri knjige sa četiri stotine biljaka klasifikovanih u četiri kategorije: jednogodišnje, višegodišnje, lukovice i drveće i žbunje.
Blühende Gartenmauern, Zäune und Hecken phantasievoll planen und bepflanzen
Glasnik zaštite bilja
Means for plant protection in 2010
Gnojidba povrća i cvijeća
Nitrogen fertilizers, complex npk fertilizers, florins, fertins, vegetables in human diet, nutrition and fertilization of vegetables, organic fertilizers...
How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants that Purify Your Home or Office
"How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants that Purify Your Home or Office" (1997) by B.C. Wolverton explores how houseplants improve indoor air quality.
Meikof Kasuya is a Japanese master of ikebana, the traditional art of flower arranging, which has deep aesthetic and philosophical foundations in Japanese culture.
In Your Green House
Kako urediti dvorišta, ograde, vrtove i parkove – Vrtni uređaji
Indispensable manual for students, gardeners, housewives, builders, utility workers, etc.
A practical book
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