Giovanna Magi


Titles in our offer

A Journey on the Nile - The Temples of Nubia: Esna - Edfu - Kom Ombo

A Journey on the Nile - The Temples of Nubia: Esna - Edfu - Kom Ombo

Giovanna Magi
Bonechi Guides, 2006.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Aswan - Philae - Abu Simbel

Aswan - Philae - Abu Simbel

Giovanna Magi
Bonechi Guides, 2005.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Tutta Verona

Tutta Verona

Giovanna Magi

Through 123 color photos you can see the illustrated history of Verona, with the addition of a map with a city plan.

Bonechi publishers, 1989.
Italian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.