Road to Serfdom: With the Intellectuals and Socialism (Condensed Edition)

Road to Serfdom: With the Intellectuals and Socialism (Condensed Edition)

Friedrich A. Hayek

This is a condensed edition of 'The Road to Serfdom' republished in this edition with 'The Intellectuals and Socialism' (originally published in 1949).

In 'The Road to Serfdom' F. A. Hayek set out the danger posed to freedom by attempts to apply the principles of wartime economic and social planning to the problems of peacetime. Hayek argued that the rise of Nazism was not due to any character failure on the part of the German people, but was a consequence of the socialist ideas that had gained common currency in Germany in the decades preceding the outbreak of war. Such ideas, Hayek argued, were now becoming similarly accepted in Britain and the USA.

19.8 x 13 cm
Institute of Economic Affairs, London
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: English.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, condition good enough
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Slight damage to the cover
  • Underlined in pencil
  • A message of a personal nature
  • Yellowed pages

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