Privredna kriminalistika (metodika otkrivanja, dokazivanja, razjašnjavanja i prevencije privrednog kriminaliteta)

Privredna kriminalistika (metodika otkrivanja, dokazivanja, razjašnjavanja i prevencije privrednog kriminaliteta)

Dragutin Papeš

This book deals with the methods of detecting, proving, resolving and preventing economic crime.

The book "Economic Criminalistics" by Dragutin Papeš covers several key topics related to economic crime. Some of the core topics include:

  1. Methodology for the detection of economic crime: Techniques and methods used to identify and detect criminal activities in the economic sector.
  2. Proving and solving cases: Processes and procedures used to gather evidence and solve cases of economic crime.
  3. Prevention of economic crime: Strategies and measures that can be taken to prevent criminal activities in the economy.
  4. Analysis of specific cases: Review and analysis of real cases of economic crime to illustrate methods and approaches in practice.
  5. These topics provide a comprehensive overview of both theoretical and practical aspects of the fight against economic crime.

Zvonimir Dujmović
Graphics design
Milan Carević
24 x 17 cm
Republički sekretarijat za unutrašnje poslove, Zagreb, 1986.
Distribution: 3,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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