Biblija očima velikih slikara knjiga #1

Biblija očima velikih slikara knjiga #1

Genesis and Exodus, which are thematized here, offer scenes that artists of all periods were interested in.

From timeless events from Genesis, such as the creation of Adam (the moment that Michelangelo made immortal in the Sistine Chapel) or the expulsion from Paradise (the image with which Masaccio announced Florentine humanism), to the rise and fall of the Jewish people in the Exodus, with the famous scenes of crossing the Red Sea or delivering the Ten Commandments of God to Moses.

Tea Raše
Pauline Van Rijckevorsel
23.5 x 16.5 cm
Europapress holding, Zagreb, 2010.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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