

Gustav Meyrink

This novel by the Austrian writer Gustav Meyrink is an extraordinary fantasy story with multiple plots and an unexpected ending. He influenced Kafka and his Process.

Meyrink's expressionist novel "Golem" (1915), set in the ancient Prague ghetto, unites horror and humor, mystical and profane, in an incredible network of supernatural experiences. The jeweler Athanasius Pernath meets his shadow, an unusual supernatural force - the Golem - who, according to legend, once roamed the Prague ghetto.

Gustav Meyrink places the legend of the Golem in a dreamlike world "on the other side of the mirror" where, as Jorge Luis Borges says, "the horror is so palpable that it remains imprinted in the memory for years." The experiences of Athanasius Pernath, which follow from the meeting with the Golem, symbolize a mystical journey to answers to questions about the nature of God and man.

The legend of the Golem attracted many writers, including Isaac Bashevis Singer and Elie Wiesel. Meyrink's "Golem" represents the most vocal literary version of that legend, the first significant expressionist novel and one of the most excellent works of the fantastic genre.

Original title
Der Golem
Daniela Tkalec
Julijana Štrok
Nikola Vrljić
20 x 12.5 cm
Fabula nova, Zagreb, 2005.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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