Divlji kvas
Ivica Đikić in Divlji kvas masterfully, with a lot of humor and bitterness, revives the atmosphere of a provincial town where everyone knows everyone, and where the past and the present cannot be separated
There hasn't even been a breath of wind in Duvno for weeks. The arms of the windmills, on which the future of the deserted city depends, are riveted to the sky. But that is not the only thing that troubles and disturbs the residents. After thirty years in Germany, where he was a member of a Balkan robbery gang, Josip Ljubas Džop returned, a man permanently marked by the fact that he indirectly concealed the death of his older brother during the war. Returning to Duvna is always more ominous than leaving. Džop would now open a bakery and bake bread from wild kvass, which he learned in one of the German prisons. Nada, Jop's first love, is more disturbed than the others: how to face the one who almost destroyed her life? And when Jelena, Nada's closest relative, appears in the hometown of her father Šimun Kolak, who was killed in a political assassination in the 1980s in Munich, the spirits will be further stirred.
This novel is a gallery of the characters of our lives: just like in reality, there are no right and wrong, everyone has the burden of their own and general history such that they cannot get rid of it and start new lives, but must wait for the wind to blow that will move them in this or that direction.
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