Kako gospodariti sobom pomoću svesne autosugestije
Emile Coue
The book talks about how to control your consciousness using autosuggestion.
Coue is not a scientist, nor a doctor, so you should not look for science or medicine in this book. He is primarily a practitioner who came to his knowledge on the basis of experiences gained in direct contact with patients and wanted to pass this experience on...
Original title
La maitrise de soi-meme par l' autosuggestion consciente
The book is dedicated to common signs, the way in which horoscopes are made for certain countries or cities, annual horoscopes, the influence of the planets on certain signs, eclipses of the sun and the moon. At the end of the book there is a horoscope fo
Martians landed on earth-Curse of the pharaoh-Fiasco of the Olympics in Montreal in 1976-Massacre of the hussar squadron-Rain of hydrogen bombs over Spain-Mafia, brotherhood of fear
Druga strana sveta, 1984.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
5.98 €
Esotericism • Mysteries • Anthropology • New Age
One of the fundamental works in the field of anthroposophy as a spiritual science. In the work Theosophy, Rudolf Steiner presents the fundamental principles of spiritual science, explaining the nature of man and his relationship to the spiritual worlds.