U okovima tame
There is no motive. There is no solution. There is only a bloody trail of victims...Recommended to all thriller addicts who love dark mysteries centered on an irretrievably depraved sociopath.
After a romantic vacation, Special Agent Smoky Barrett goes to a colleague's wedding. The celebration is interrupted by the ghostly sight of an abused and distracted woman stumbling up to Smoky and her friends in her nightgown. Checking her fingerprints reveals her identity. It's about Heather Hollister, a woman who disappeared almost eight years ago. The cold-blooded kidnapper, who goes by the name Dali, kept her captive and shackled in a cell filled with total darkness. Smoky goes into action. The investigation soon shows that Heather is not the only victim of Dali, a psychopath who does not take murder personally, never makes mistakes, follows his own criminal logic and sets perfect traps. Who is Dali? McFadyen masterfully guides the reader towards a terrifying discovery.
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