Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.16 - br.2, str. 425-1022 (2009)

Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.16 - br.2, str. 425-1022 (2009)

"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.

The Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice publishes scientific and professional works in the field of theory and practice of criminal substantive, procedural and executive law, international and European criminal law, related sciences (criminology, criminology, penology, victimology) and ancillary disciplines (forensic medicine, forensic and social psychology, forensic psychiatry).

Davor Krapac
Graphics design
Mihajlo Arsovski
24 x 17 cm
Hrvatsko udruženje za kaznene znanosti i praksu, Zagreb, 2009.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

Two copies are available

Copy number 1

Condition:Used, excellent condition

Copy number 2

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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