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"New pleasure in sex" is one of the most popular sexology manuals in the world, the previous editions of which have sold 8.5 million copies.
The text of dr. Alexa Comforta and Susan Quilliam are accompanied by bright photographs and color illustrations, and the book can be recommended to beginners in love, to discover the rules of love life as a couple, but also to experienced couples who are looking for new experiences in the field of intimacy. Since the authors of the book are a doctor and a psychologist, just like at the time when the book was first published, they both emphasize the emotional dimension of making love and emphasize that love is one of the most important ingredients of the love game. As Susan Quilliam states in her foreword, most of the text has remained the same, but with considerable additions, since considerable social changes have taken place in the meantime, many of which were initiated by the book itself. In addition, key scientific discoveries in the fields of physiology, psychology, psychotherapy and medicine and the emergence of sexology, a scientific approach to the study of sexuality, also influenced the understanding of sexuality.
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