Od čina do misli: Ogled iz komparativne psihologije
French psychologist Henri Wallon is the author of many works in the field of child psychology. The basis of his scientific views is the genetic understanding of psychological processes and a broad research methodology.
O nervoznom karakteru: Osnovi uporedne individualne psihologije i psihoterapije
The work represents a neurotic character, which, according to Adler, can develop even in childhood. He believes that various social factors can lead to the development of a neurotic character based on a feeling of insecurity and inferiority.
Opća teorija ljubavi
A work of rare originality, passion, and eloquence, The General Theory of Love will forever change the way you think about human intimacy and love.
O rukopisu
Principles of graphology
Osam najvažnijih koraka u rješavanju sukoba
"The Eight Most Important Steps in Conflict Resolution" by Dudley Weeks provides a practical framework for managing disagreements in a variety of contexts, including the workplace, family, and community.
Osjećati se dobro: 9 načela za stvaranje navika vođenih našim istinskim željama
The concept of balance determines the entire Universe. The universe, our planet, the seasons, water, wind, fire and earth - all are in perfect balance. We humans are the only exception.
Osobni opis
The book is known for its deep analysis and practical advice that is useful for personal development.
Oštećenja vida - biopsihosocijalni aspekti
O toleranciji: Koliko smo tolerantni u obitelji, na poslu, u društvu
The fact that tolerance is talked about a lot, but too little is known, prompted me to reconsider tolerance in the daily life of each of us and society as a whole.
Pa da mi je i dolinom smrti proći
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