Pitanja mladih - djelotvorni odgovori
The 1992 book "Questions From Young People—Answers That Work" provides practical advice for young people based on biblical principles.
Pobjeda nad depresijom / Kako živjeti iznad svojih okolnosti?
This book offers practical advice on how to live above your circumstances and overcome depression.
Podignimo pogled
The book Let's look up is full of beautiful texts that will help you recognize the richness of Christ's grace.
Povratak vrijednostima (Vodič u novi poredak)
The contemporary crisis is not a crisis of the banking system of democratic processes, but in its deepest foundation is first and foremost a crisis of values.
Power Healing
Power Healing by John Wimber, with co-author Kevin Springer, is an illuminating and inspiring look at the power of divine healing.
Priča o Isusu
Warm stories about the life of Jesus told by his disciple Simon from Capernaum. About the Resurrection, John the Baptist or about the voice crying in the desert, about casting nets and healing Šimun's mother-in-law.
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