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In Flaming inquisitors, three different love couples are shown "each of whom will have his own audience with his own love and his own idea". The novel is based on historical sources about the reign of King Stephen VI. and his son Ladislav IV. Kumana.
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A large red beech tree stands in front of the school in a small Irish town. In one moment of their youth, eight students will carve their names on its bark. Their lives will take different paths, but the memory of the big beech tree and the names carved i
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The book Let's look up is full of beautiful texts that will help you recognize the richness of Christ's grace.
Poduzetnička ekonomija: kako učiniti prvi korak
The book is intended for students of higher and higher business schools, entrepreneurs, managers, but as a useful material it is also recommended for professors of economics subjects in secondary schools.
The 'riddle of Rimbaud' was pursued by many: some proclaimed him the god of modern visionary poetry, others saw in him a perverted child and the immature rebellion of a high school student, others christened him a mystic, others treated him as an interest
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