Živi među mrtvima

Živi među mrtvima

Đuro Zrakić

In the end, this is just another true story of winning life.

The Living Among the Dead is a true story inspired by real events about life and death and all its faces; death as a sin against unborn life, death as the only refuge of the mother and her unclean conscience and finally, death as a new beginning; on the way to the place where the unborn will be born and the dead will live. This is the story of all of us who have or who may decide to end a new life tomorrow; in one way or another, in oneself or in others. About all those whom no one will and has no right to judge, about those whose sins everyone else will be able to forgive and forgive, forget - but about those who will become their own harshest and most merciless judges. The question that you will have to ask yourself at the end of this book, regardless of who, whom and what you believe in, is how exactly do you treat the gift of giving birth? Is there a better answer than that of Mother Teresa: "...because if a mother can kill her own child, then what prevents me from killing you or you from killing me?" Nothing really."

Đuro Zrakić
20,5 x 13,5 cm
Đuro Zrakić, Zagreb
Latein Schrift. Taschenbuch.
Sprache: Kroatisch.

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