Kako očuvati zdravlje osjetila

Kako očuvati zdravlje osjetila

Sheena Meredith

A manual that will help you live a quality life that you will really enjoy. The smell of cut grass, a beautiful sunset, the gentle touch of silk, children's laughter, cake that melts in your mouth...

In addition to providing us with a sense of comfort, our senses are very necessary for safety and everyday life.

In the manual How to preserve the health of the senses, find out how to protect and improve vision, hearing, taste and smell with the help of the so-called smart plan - your new lifelong strategy for a healthy and happy life.

How well your senses work, what causes their disorders and how to alleviate them, how to live to the fullest for many more years...

The authors responsible for this edition offer you a wealth of useful information and valuable advice.

Do not take the miracle of the senses for granted and arm yourself with the expert knowledge from this book.

Titel des Originals
Keep Your Senses Sharp
Mirjana Paić Juričić
Lidija Zozoli
Andrew Baker
26 x 18 cm
Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2010.
Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
Sprache: Kroatisch.

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