Moše Pijade 12
Titel im Angebot
Štamparstvo i grafički radnici u Srbiji 1831-1941.
Diese wertvolle Studie ermöglicht es uns, die Entwicklung der Druck- und Grafikindustrie in Serbien in diesem bedeutenden Zeitraum besser zu verstehen.
Rad, 1975.
Serbisch. Kyrillisch Schrift. Hardcover.
12,42 €
Svedočanstva pod zvezdama
Rad, 1981.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Taschenbuch mit Einband.
9,286,50 - 9,29 €
Tragični život Dantona
A fictionalized biography of the French revolutionary Georges-Jacques Danton who worked to radicalize the French Revolution.
Rad, 1964.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Fester Einband mit Schutzumschlag.
2,99 - 4,28 €
U zoru zaljubljeni
The novel tells a story about love and passionate feelings. Through characters and events, the author explores deep emotions and interpersonal relationships.
Rad, 1961.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
5,28 €
Zdravo društvo
In the book Healthy Society, Fromm tried to show that life in a democracy of the XX. century represents another type of escape from freedom. The analysis of this very escape, in which alienation is the central concept, forms a large part of this book.
Rad, 1963.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
8,42 €