Profil Knjiga
Ulica Petra Hektorovića 2 (1. kat)
Titel im Angebot
100 jednostavnih tajni uspješnih veza: Što su znanstvenici otkrili i kako vi to možete iskoristiti
Wissenschaftler haben ihr gesamtes Berufsleben der Erforschung der Natur von Beziehungen, Liebeswerbung und Ehe gewidmet, und doch waren ihre Entdeckungen bis jetzt für gewöhnliche Menschen unzugänglich und in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften und akad
Čovjek koji je kupovao kuću
During the nineties, Josefina Dautbegović established herself with her collections as one of the key authors of recent Croatian poetry.
Djevojka, žena, drugo
This is a novel about the future, about the past. He is fiction, he is history. This is a novel about who we are today.
Državni savjetnik
Boris Akunjin is the pseudonym of Grigori Chhartishvili, a Muscovite of Georgian origin. Many of his novels have been screened, including "The State Counselor" starring the famous Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov and actor Oleg Menshikov.
Hanky Panky
Peter, Mick and Little Vince are inseparable school friends. After an ill-advised joke about the hated Blob, a boy that no one particularly likes at school, they fall out of favor with all the teachers.
Hvala ti na uspomenama
"Thank you for the memories", the fourth novel by Cecelia Ahern, one of the world's most famous authors, is a love story about hope, memory and a new beginning.
Knjiga sutrašnjice
A wonderful story about how tomorrow can affect what happens today, but, as in Cecelia's other novels, it is about an immense, magical love that moves worlds, moves time and always, just always, finds its way.