Sabrana djela VIII: Znakovi - pripovetke

Sabrana djela VIII: Znakovi - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

This collection brings together a number of Andrić's shorter works that deal with human destinies, historical and social circumstances, and universal issues of human nature.

The short stories in the collection are characterized by deep symbolism, an introspective tone and a rich narrative structure. These thematically diverse stories explore different aspects of human life: suffering, longing, moral dilemmas, conflicts between the individual and society, and the transience of life.

Significant short stories in the collection:

  1. Signs The title story explores the symbols and traces people leave behind, as well as their search for meaning in a seemingly chaotic world. The theme of searching for a deeper reality permeates the story.
  2. Anika's times The story of a woman from a small town who faces social prejudices and her own destiny symbolizes patriarchal norms and the weight of personal freedom. One of Andrić's most famous short stories because of the rich psychological portrait of the main character.
  3. Ćorkan and Švabica A witty but melancholic story about a simple man and his short-lived encounter with love. It shows the contrast between small, local lives and foreign influences.
  4. At the cauldron The story of poor people gathered around a kitchen for free food, symbolizing the human need for community and basic means of survival.
  5. Alija Đerzelez road A historical story about the legendary hero Alija Đerzelez, with an emphasis on human weakness and the mythological past of the Balkans.

The collection "Signs" is another proof of Andrić's storytelling power, with a wealth of themes and universal messages that remain relevant even today. This work is ideal for readers who enjoy introspective and symbolic stories.

Petar Džadžić, Muharem Pervić
19,5 x 13,5 cm
Broj strana
Mladost, Zagreb, 1967.
Latinica. Tvrde korice.
Jezik: Srpski.

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Sabrana djela VI: Žeđ - pripovetke

Sabrana djela VI: Žeđ - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

„Žeđ“ je zbirka pripovedaka Ive Andrića koja je prvi put objavljena 1936. godine. Ova zbirka predstavlja jedan od vrhunaca Andrićevog pripovedačkog stvaralaštva.

Svjetlost, 1977.
Srpski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
84,26 (komplet)
Sabrana djela III: Gospođica

Sabrana djela III: Gospođica

Ivo Andrić

„Gospođica“ je roman Ive Andrića, prvobitno objavljen 1945. godine. Delo spada u tzv Bosanska trilogija, zajedno sa romanima „Na Drini ćuprija” i „Travnička kronika”.

Mladost, 1967.
Srpski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

Ivo Andrić

U ovoj svesci objavljeni su Andrićevi rani radovi, pesme u prozi, poetske beleške i lirika. Svaki od ovih naslova ima specifičnu temu i stil koji odražava Andrićevo unutrašnje stanje i filozofska promišljanja.

Svjetlost, 1977.
Srpski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
84,26 (komplet)
Kavkavski zarobljenik i druge pripovijesti ruskih klasika za djecu

Kavkavski zarobljenik i druge pripovijesti ruskih klasika za djecu

Zora, 1984.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
1,00 - 2,98
Djela #18: Moji univerziteti

Djela #18: Moji univerziteti

Maksim Gorki

Pored autobiografskog dela „Moji univerziteti“, ovaj tom sadrži i autobiografske pripovetke Stražar, Koroljenkovo doba, O šteti filozofije i O prvoj ljubavi.

Kultura, 1949.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
3,96 - 3,99
Mime: pripovijesti

Mime: pripovijesti

Josip Kosor
Matica hrvatska, 1916.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.