Američka književnost • Američka književnost
Saul Bellow
Herzog, roman američkog pisca i nobelovca Saula Bellowa, prvi put objavljen 1964. Glavni junak Moses Herzog, profesor romantizma, proživljava krizu nakon razvoda od druge žene, a suočava se i sa zastojem u akademskom i književnom radu.
Roman je postao klasikom gotovo odmah nakon objavljivanja 1964. godine. Moses E. Herzog sredovječni je intelektualac koji se oporavlja od prekida drugog braka i nalazi se na rubu samoubojstva, a kroz roman ga pratimo tijekom njegova “unutarnjeg putovanja”.
Željko Bujas
21 x 12,5 cm
Jutarnji list, Zagreb, 2004.
Latein Schrift. Fester Einband mit Schutzumschlag.
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Here is the untold story of the events that took place between the movies The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi: a novel in which Darth Vader still lives and battles a villain as powerful and evil as himself.
Luke is about to start the school year at a new school and there's just no way he's going to leave anything to chance. He will wear his lucky T-shirt, clutch the lucky black rabbit fur paw in his pocket that has never failed, and bravely step into the unk