Religion & Beliefs
Suvremeni čovjek i Biblija
The book "Modern Man and the Bible" by Hans Heinz analyzes the challenges of modern society and calls for a return to the Bible as a source of guidance for dealing with these challenges.
Svećenik - Kristov učenik
The book "Priest - Disciple of Christ" by Lusha Gjergji deals with the topic of priesthood in a contemporary context.
Svećenik prognanika (Damjan de Veuster)
Svećenik sam Kristov
"The book 'I Am a Priest of Christ' by Fr. Ante Antić, published in 2010, deeply explores the spiritual and pastoral identity of priests in the Catholic tradition.
Sveci i grešnici: Povijest papa
This book contains an unusual history of the papacy, from its beginning almost two thousand years ago, to the reign of Pope John Paul II.
Sve što katolik treba znati o reikiju
Knjiga “Sve što katolik treba znati o reikiju” autora Josipa Blaževića pruža odgovore na 50 pitanja o reikiju, s ciljem da katolicima pomogne razumjeti ovu praksu.
Sveti znakovi: Tumačenje kršćanskih simbola i gesta
Dieser zeitlose spirituelle Klassiker bietet nicht nur grundlegende Informationen und Erkenntnisse, die jeder Christ benötigt, sondern ist auch mit unverhohlenem religiösem Eifer und Schönheit des Ausdrucks geschrieben, was ihn sehr attraktiv zum Lesen un
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