Titel im Angebot
Belo ciganče
White Gypsy ist ein Kinderroman über ein Kind, das während des Krieges in einem Dorf zurückgelassen wurde.
Rad, 1988.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
4,28 €
Boris Godunov Male tragedije Bajke
Rad, 1972.
Kroatisch. Latein Schrift. Fester Einband mit Schutzumschlag.
6,48 €
Bronzani konjanik i druge poeme
Rad, 1972.
Kroatisch. Latein Schrift. Fester Einband mit Schutzumschlag.
6,48 €
Car Edip / Antigona
Oedipus the King is the most famous and famous Greek tragedy, first performed around 429. ex. Kr. It belongs to the cycle of three Theban plays, which also includes the plays "Oedipus at Colonus" and "Antigone".
Rad, 1964.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Taschenbuch.
3,68 €
Idejne borbe u samoupravnom društvu
Rad, 1980.
Kroatisch. Latein Schrift. Fester Einband mit Schutzumschlag.
5,804,35 €
Inženjersko tehnički priručnik 1 – Matematika – mehanika
The first book in the series covers topics in mathematics and mechanics. These include basic mathematical concepts, differential and integral calculus, vector analysis, kinematics and dynamics.
Rad, 1979.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
13,4812,13 €
Inženjersko tehnički priručnik 2 – Tehnička fizika - hemija
The second book focuses on technical physics and the basics of chemistry. Here you will find information on thermal and electromagnetic phenomena, optics, thermodynamics, the basics of chemistry and other related topics.
Rad, 1979.
Serbisch. Latein Schrift. Hardcover.
13,48 €