Kršćanska sadašnjost
Marulićev trg 14 p.p. 434
Titles in our offer
Slavenski apostoli i prosvjetitelji Ćiril i Metod - strip s komentarom
Slavenski blagovjesnici sveti Ćiril i Metod
The book analyzes the life and work of Cyril and Methodius, as well as the sources that inform us about it.
Snagom duha
Introduction to the faith and life of the Christian community.....
Snježna kraljica
Another beautiful and very luxurious edition of the famous classic fairy tale about the cold and cruel queen, about good and evil, and about the strength and value of friendship.
Spisi svetoga Leopolda Bogdana Mandića
The book Writings of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić was prepared based on the writings that served in the process of his beatification. The manuscripts are in the archives of the Vicepostulature in Padua.
Što dolazi nakon smrti? Umijeće življenja i umiranja
Svećenik - Kristov učenik
The book "Priest - Disciple of Christ" by Lusha Gjergji deals with the topic of priesthood in a contemporary context.
Taj nevjerojatni Bog
The book That Amazing God by Phil Bosmans is a collection of inspiring thoughts and reflections on God's love, human life and spiritual renewal.
Ujevićevo pjesničko i mističko iskustvo
The work analyzes Tin Ujević's theoretical reflections on poetry, with special emphasis on his relationship to mystical experience.