Ne mari za male stvari… na poslu

Ne mari za male stvari… na poslu

Richard Carlson

The third book in the series, Don't Care About Small Things at Work, continues the successful series and offers a hundred new tips on how to reduce the level of stress, this time, related to the workplace.

Since you all spend a good portion of your time at work, where a variety of often unpleasant challenges await you, Dr. Richard Carlson recommends small adjustments that will make your workday more enjoyable.

Thus, if you listen to some of these well-intentioned advice, you will learn to accept unimportant frictions with more wisdom, patience and humor; use long business trips to remember friends you haven't heard from in a long time; find out (even though deep down you knew it before) that it is best to get rid of the most unpleasant obligations first; find the strength to come to terms with the turmoil around you, and maybe start to appreciate the people you work with more.

If you ask us in the editorial office, how much of our life do we spend in the office (to enable you to enjoy these books), we were most impressed by advice number four: "Don't panic because of deadlines", which we readily accepted, especially when preparing this book for press, although we would consider advice number seventy-three to be almost equally good: "For ten minutes a day, under the grace of God, do nothing", if only the number of minutes was a little higher.

Either way, read a handful of these simple work stories that will help you avoid spending your working life living for retirement.

Original title
Don' t sweat the small stuff
Božica Jakovlev
Neven Antičević
Mario Jurjević
16.5 x 14 cm
Algoritam, Zagreb, 2001.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
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  • Traces of patina

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