Ptice Hrvatske: Ornitološki priručnik
Although he is not a biologist by profession but a historian, Professor Krnjeta has enthusiastically studied birds almost his whole life and is one of our leading masters of photography in this field. His favorite activity is the search for birds in nature, so from literature and work in practice he has gained vast knowledge and experience about the birds that we can see in our region.
Most of the bird lovers in our country are engaged in their observation and/or photography. That's why the goal of this book is to familiarize as many people as possible with the species that inhabit Croatia. In addition to a superb photo and an indication of where it was taken, for each species a brief description of the appearance and presence in our country, the estimated number of individuals, information on nesting, habitat, diet, life span, habits, distribution in Europe and, for many birds, an indication of where we can meet them in the Zagreb area is given.
We hope that this book will be a small but important contribution to the understanding of the complex and long-term relationship between people and birds. But we also want to make readers aware of the truly diverse and rich environment we inhabit. Great Britain, which is almost five times the size of our country, is inhabited by three species of woodpeckers, while the mosaic habitat in northwestern Croatia alone is visited by eight species!
On a more practical level, the book will make it much easier for all bird watchers to identify species with detailed descriptions and photographic contributions. On the other hand, knowledge about the geographical area and habitat where a species lives, nesting habits and threats should help us understand at what time of the year we should by no means disturb certain birds. This awareness is extremely important in order to make it easier for them to nest, raise young and survive the winter. In short - we help endangered bird species to survive.
One copy is available