Mudri savjeti i rješenja za vaš dom

Mudri savjeti i rješenja za vaš dom

A comprehensive consultant that provides numerous solutions tested in practice. There are tips from smart cleaning and tidying, through laundry maintenance to small repairs and solving problems with home appliances.

The manual "Wise tips and solutions for your home" will provide you with expert instructions for maintaining your home and clothing, furnishing your apartment, handling household appliances, professionally performing minor repairs and much more. Along with the answers to the question of how all this is done, you will also get to know the ways in which it will all come out of your hand even faster, simpler and more favorably. Here you will find the wise advice of our grandmothers, as well as the scientific knowledge of today's experts who will show you that housework is not a ghost, but can actually be very fun. The book will show you how to deal with every situation that could happen to you at home! In the book Wise tips and solutions for your home, you will find: hundreds of tips on ways to save time and money in all areas of the household, eight chapters: from smart cleaning and tidying, through laundry maintenance to small repairs and solving problems with home appliances, numerous solutions, tested in practice, and expert advice that makes boring tasks easier, easy instructions and descriptions of individual steps in words and pictures.

Original title
Geniale Tipps und Tricks für Ihr Zuhause
Branka Grubić
Aleksandra Stella Škec
Graphics design
Ivica Janrijević
26 x 20 cm
Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2016.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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