World War II
Rat za oslobođenje Evrope
This book is considered one of the key sources for understanding the military strategies and historical events of the era.
Rusija u ratu 1941-1945
Simpozij Drugi svjetski rat i mir među narodima (Zagreb, 25 - 30. rujna 1970.)
The anthology has published a variety of texts dealing with historical topics, including politics, war crimes, and other aspects of World War II.
Sinovi Šamarice
The book "Sons of Šamarica" by Jovo Borojević from 1969 describes the events related to the Third Banija National Liberation Strike Brigade.
Sivi vuk: Bijeg Adolfa Hitlera
In the book, two British publicists reject the official version of the Fuhrer's death and present a shocking theory, for which there is ample evidence... Is it possible that the leader of the Third Reich really escaped justice?
Slučaj Kappler : Od Ardeatina do Soltaua
Who was Herbert Kappler? Chief of the Gestapo in Rome during Nazi rule in the months of terror that preceded the liberation.
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