
Borac protiv duševnih bolesti

Borac protiv duševnih bolesti

Paul de Kruif

A novelized biography of the living American physician John T. Ferguson. At the same time, it provides an insight into today's psychiatry, first of all in America, and comprehensively deals with modern psychiatric therapy.

Stvarnost, 1964.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Developmental Theory and Clinical Process

Developmental Theory and Clinical Process

Fred Pine
Yale University Press, 1985.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ideologija i ludilo

Ideologija i ludilo

Thomas S. Szasz

Articles on the psychiatric dehumanization of man

Naprijed, 1980.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Kriza psihijatrije ili psihijatrija krize

Kriza psihijatrije ili psihijatrija krize

Predrag Kaličanin, Vladimir Paranosić

In the book "Crisis of psychiatry or psychiatry of crisis", authors Vladimir Paranošić and Predrag Kaličanin explore challenges and changes in the field of psychiatry.

Partizanska knjiga, 1985.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Mala enciklopedija parapsihologije sa osnovnim pojmovima psihologije i psihijatrije

Mala enciklopedija parapsihologije sa osnovnim pojmovima psihologije i psihijatrije

Velimir Filipović, Momčilo Todorović

The book explores various phenomena such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance and other paranormal phenomena. It also includes theoretical approaches and research that were current at the time.

Hipnoza, 1975.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Poznavanje čoveka: osnove individualne psihologije

Poznavanje čoveka: osnove individualne psihologije

Alfred Adler

The book was created as a collection of Adler's lectures held in Vienna, in front of an audience that encountered a new view of the very core of the human being.

Kosmos, 1934.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Paperback.


Pavo Filaković

This book represents progress compared to existing textbooks, as it includes new knowledge within this very dynamic medical discipline.

Medicinski fakultet u Osijeku, 2014.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Psihijatrija i antipsihijatrija

Psihijatrija i antipsihijatrija

David Cooper

David G. Cooper is considered one of the founders of the movement known as "anti-psychiatry". This current appeared in the sixties, and its main interest was to condemn gaps, theoretical problems and abuses in the practice of psychiatry.

Naprijed, 1980.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Psihologija i ljudska dvojba

Psihologija i ljudska dvojba

Rollo May

Whether reflecting on war, psychology, or the ideas of existentialist thinkers such as Sartre and Kierkegaard, Dr. May everywhere expands our view of how humans can develop creatively in the human predicament.

Naprijed, 1980.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Razumijevanje ludila

Razumijevanje ludila

Andrew Crowcroft

The author tries to bring mental illness closer to us and make it more understandable, pointing out that the experiences of mentally ill people are sometimes no different from the experiences of normal people, because we all sometimes have unrealistic fee

Naprijed, 1980.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.