Social Science
Muškarac u škripcu
A book about disorders of sexual ability in men.
Muslimanska imena orijentalnog porijekla u Bosni i Hercegovini
Mussolinijevo rimsko carstvo
The book "Mussolini's Roman Empire" is a detailed analysis of the political ambitions and strategies of Benito Mussolini, with special emphasis on his efforts to restore the glory of the ancient Roman Empire through fascist rule in Italy.
Načela ekonomske sociologije
A book that opens new horizons of thought by combining economics, sociology, cultural theory and politics.
Nacije i države: Ispitivanje porijekla nacija i politike nacionalizma
The author has set himself the task of examining the formation of the nation, the types of political movements that went after it to achieve national goals and shed light on the influence of the internal politics of states and interstate relations on nati
Nacionalne manjine u Osijeku
Najbolji prezenter
Technique, style and strategy of America's most famous public speaking coach. Gaining an audience with a powerful performance.
Najveće kulture svijeta 1: Egipat
The Greatest Cultures of the World is a collection of eight books that talk about the world's great civilizations. The books were first published in Croatia in 2005 in Rijeka by the publisher Extrada d.o.o., but all eight books were also published specifi
Najveće kulture svijeta 2: Kina
The Greatest Cultures of the World is a collection of eight books that talk about the world's great civilizations. The books were first published in Croatia in 2005 in Rijeka by the publisher Extrada d.o.o., but all eight books were also published specifi
Najveće kulture svijeta 3: Grčka
The Greatest Cultures of the World is a collection of eight books that talk about the world's great civilizations. The books were first published in Croatia in 2005 in Rijeka by the publisher Extrada d.o.o., but all eight books were also published specifi
Social Science
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