Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #99, 1991/VII
Arka - Čudesni svijet nauke #40, 1989/II
Ave luna: mjesec i svakodnevica
Knowledge of the qualities of the Moon in elements and constellations, the meaning of the Moon in astrological fields, knowledge of the effect of the Moon on man, can help in cognition, the transition from the unconscious to the conscious, and in the volu
Dan kada su učenjaci umirali
For this book, critics said that they had never read so many confusing facts in any book. If everything is correct, we would have to observe the past and present of our planet with different eyes!
Dijamantni put tibetanskog umijeća isjeljivanja
The book The Diamond Way contains commentaries on authentic medical texts entitled r'Gyud-b'Zhi (Four Medical Tantras), on which Tibetan medical science is based over two thousand years old.
Evolucija božanstva: od sfinge do Krista
"The Evolution of Divinity" was published in 1912, and the subtitle "From the Sphinx to Christ" indicates that it is the first part of a larger whole. The second part (which remained unwritten) was supposed to show the esoteric tradition from Christ to Lu
Govor životinja: Duhovne i magične moći velikih i malih životinja
Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal world. Coyotes call us to adapt to changing circumstances. Lions embody strength and courage. Otters remind us to find time to play.
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