The book explores the complex world of alchemy, an ancient discipline that combines philosophy, spirituality, chemistry and symbolism. The author offers a comprehensive overview of the history, theory and practice of alchemy, with special emphasis on its
Altaj - Himalaji: putopisni dnevnik
Nicholas Roerich's classic mystical travel book from 1929. Roerich was a renaissance man, living in the mid-1900s. A popular and successful artist, he was known for his exuberant use of light and color in his paintings.
Anđeo sa zapadnog prozora
The Angel of the West Window is a strange fictional novel by Gustave Meyrink steeped in alchemical, hermetic, occult and mystical imagery and ideas, interweaving the life of Elizabethan magician Dr. John Dee with that of a fictional modern descendant, Bar
Anđeo sa zapadnog prozora
The Angel of the West Window is a strange fictional novel by Gustave Meyrink steeped in alchemical, hermetic, occult and mystical imagery and ideas, interweaving the life of Elizabethan magician Dr. John Dee with that of a fictional modern descendant, Bar
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #100
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #101, 1991/VIII
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #108, 1991/IX
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #113, 1991/XI
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #114, 1991/XI
Arka - Čudesni svijet na granici nauke #16, 1988/IX
Kako ubiti ubicu!, "Razgovor" sa drugim svijetom, Boja - odraz duše, Telepatsko pranje mozga, Smrt može pričekati
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