Discounted books

Život i djelo - Chagall

Život i djelo - Chagall

Nathaniel Harris

Chagall Marc, French painter and graphic artist of Belarusian origin.

Mozaik knjiga, 1996.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Životi i mišljenja istaknutih filozofa

Životi i mišljenja istaknutih filozofa

Diogen Laertije

Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers (Vitae Philosophorum) is the work of the 3rd century Greek historian Diogenes Laertius. The book presents the biographies and philosophical thoughts of the most important ancient philosophers, divided into ten bo

BIGZ, 1985.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Život i običaji naroda Kine

Život i običaji naroda Kine

Petar Vlahović

The author used various research methods, such as field work, interviews with local residents, study of written sources and other relevant materials.

Naučna knjiga, 1973.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Život i pustolovine trubadurke Beatriz prema svjedočanstvima njezine žonglerke Laure

Život i pustolovine trubadurke Beatriz prema svjedočanstvima njezine žonglerke Laure

Irmtraud Morgner
Globus, 1985.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Život na friškom zraku 2

Život na friškom zraku 2

Jean Marc Reiser
Šareni dućan, 2001.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zlatarovo zlato

Zlatarovo zlato

August Šenoa

The first Croatian historical novel, the story of the forbidden love of a goldsmith's daughter and a nobleman's son on the historical stage of the streets and squares of Zagreb in the sixteenth century.

Tipex, 1994.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zlatna knjiga o vinu

Zlatna knjiga o vinu

From the origin of the vine and viticulture to contemporary wine legislation.

Otokar Keršovani, 1976.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Zlatna kolekcija hrvatskog filma - Okupacija u 26 slika

Zlatna kolekcija hrvatskog filma - Okupacija u 26 slika

Nenad Polimac, Vlado Vurušić
EPH media d. o. o., 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zločini nad banjalučkom krajinom ʼ92-ʼ94

Zločini nad banjalučkom krajinom ʼ92-ʼ94

Muharem Krzić

This book deals with events during the war years in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the Banja Luka region. The author investigates the crimes and suffering during that period.

Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zrcalo sjećanja: ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu

Zrcalo sjećanja: ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu

Miroslav Volf

The central premise of the book is that in the very heart of the Christian faith there are important elements that can help us to remember well.

Ex Libris, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.