Ovdje, ondje & trans - knjiga pripovjedaka
The author explores the mysterious urges and hidden areas of the human soul in the spirit of the mystical and fantastic genre of writing.
The author included three short stories (or narratives) in the book, where it is important to note that it is a literary genre "between the length of a novella and a novel", fluid and difficult to define, which in our contemporary prose is increasingly receding before the shorter prose form which today we usually call it a story. All three short stories belong to the genre of fantasy, which obviously suits this writer because it allows him much greater room for maneuver, swinging between the real and the fantastic. The reader will quickly notice that he likes to weave elements of other genres into his texts - criminal, historical, romantic, erotic, essayistic, erudite, documentary, which makes the narration more interesting and at the same time more readable. In an interview on the occasion of the book's release, the author says that the local adverbs "here, there & trans" from the title indicate the locations of the three stories, but it seems to me that this choice is not very attractive. On the other hand, the reader will not miss the fact that all included texts have short and suggestive titles and intriguing subtitles, which is a sign of the writer's concern and a happier choice.
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