Pravosudni organi u sistemu društvene samozaštite

Pravosudni organi u sistemu društvene samozaštite

Pero Korobar, Mirko Perović, Muhamed Mirica, Tomislav Ralčić, Vojislav Šušnjar

The book contains materials from the Council of Judicial Authorities held in the Assembly of the SFRY in Belgrade on October 24 and 25, 1977.

The topic of the consultation was "Monitoring and studying social relations and phenomena as an integral part of judicial functions in the system of social self-protection".

Some of the key topics covered in the book include:

  1. The role of judicial bodies - Analysis of the role of judicial bodies in the system of social self-protection.
  2. Monitoring of social phenomena - Methods and techniques of monitoring and studying social relations and phenomena.
  3. Judicial functions - Consideration of different judicial functions and their significance in the social context.
  4. Self-protection of society - Strategies and measures for the improvement of social self-protection through judicial bodies.

This book is useful for lawyers, researchers and anyone involved in the study of the justice system and social self-protection.

Pero Korobar
24 x 17 cm
Savezni sud, Beograd, 1977.
Distribution: 4,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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