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Povijest otkrića i istraživanja 2: Novi svijet
The book describes man's discoveries of parts of planet Earth that were accidental or planned. The period from 50,000 years ago to today's efforts in space exploration is described.
Računovodstvo: Temelj poslovnog odlučivanja
The world-renowned textbook, simply called Accounting, was conceived and written to introduce students and businessmen to the world of accounting, which is one of the main languages of business today.
Gljivarica : Priprema jela od gljiva
Each of our carefully selected menus consists of of julha, the main dish, will satisfy the requirements of a modern diet based on healthy and light dishes.
Doživljaji dobrog vojnika Švejka, sv. 1-3.
Jaroslav Hašek initially conceived "Švejk" as a cycle of 6 novels, but he died without being able to finish even the fourth installment. Nevertheless, the first three parts of the novel, which also have biographical elements, became extremely famous.
Zrcalo sjećanja: ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu
The central premise of the book is that in the very heart of the Christian faith there are important elements that can help us to remember well.
Media Ownership and it's Impact on Media Independence and Pluralism
This book is an attempt to map ownership patterns and their effects on media pluralism and independence in the countries of South East Europe and EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe.
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An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take...
The book examines how the American health care system has become profit-oriented. The author examines various aspects of the healthcare industry and offers insights into how individuals can fight back against an unfair system.

1000 čuda prirode
Nature is exciting, full of wonders as fragile as butterfly wings and as powerful as volcanic eruptions.
With numerous photographs and simple informative text, readers will learn about the secrets of the most unusual natural phenomena in a unique book that contains chapters on the life of animals and plants, the microscopic world, survival in extreme conditions, the sky, the earth, waters, natural forces...

Where Does It Hurt?: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Fixing Health Care
Neorganska hemija sa osnovama hemijske tehnologije II. deo
Nova enciklopedija seksologije
Sexology-lexicon. General sexology, sexuality, psychoanalysis, eroticism, erotology, bibliography.
Rječnik stranih riječi
Marijan Filipović is the author of the famous "Dictionary of Foreign Words", which is a valuable manual for understanding foreign words and expressions used in the Croatian language.

Hrvatsko-španjolski razgovorni priručnik
The Spanish language is a Romance language which, with the arrival of the Romans, developed in the 2nd century from a dialect of the Latin language, i.e. Vulgar Latin, when the older Iberian languages were suppressed.
The basis of the Spanish language is the Castilian dialect named after the Spanish province of Castillo. After the discovery of America, it spread to the South American continent, where it has continued to this day in most countries. According to the number of speakers, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world, after Chinese. It is spoken by about 400 million people. It is the mo...
Englesko-hrvatski ekonomski rječnik / Hrvatsko-engleski ekonomski rječnik
The new, revised and updated edition of the English-Croatian and Croatian-English business dictionary in two volumes is valuable to business people, at a time of almost daily new economic terms that accompany numerous changes in business theory and practi
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god. 18 - br.2, str. 309-832 (2...
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.16 - br.2, str. 425-1022 (2...
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Sirius: Biblioteka znanstvene fantastike - broj 50
Sirius was a Croatian science fiction magazine. The foundation was proposed by Damir Mikuličić in 1976. In Sirius, the works of domestic authors were published, as well as translations of foreign SF authors. It was published from 1976 to 1989.