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We kindly present to you some of the titles from our offer

Dnevnik Diarium, svezak 1 (1801 - 1809)

Maksimilijan Vrhovac
Dnevnik Diarium, svezak 1 (1801 - 1809)
Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1987.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Život i djela Pavla Rittera Vitezovića (1652.-1713.)

Vjekoslav Klaić
Život i djela Pavla Rittera Vitezovića (1652.-1713.)
Matica hrvatska, 1914.Hardcover.


Arthur Rimbaud

The 'riddle of Rimbaud' was pursued by many: some proclaimed him the god of modern visionary poetry, others saw in him a perverted child and the immature rebellion of a high school student, others christened him a mystic, others treated him as an interest

Konzor, 1997.Hardcover.

Veliki suvremeni bonton: Pravila lijepog ponašanja

Silke Schneider-Flaig
Mozaik knjiga, 2010.Hardcover.

Grička vještica II : Kontesa Nera

Marija Jurić Zagorka
Grička vještica II : Kontesa Nera
August Cesarec, 1986.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Teorija informacija sa pripremama u kriptologiji

Josip I. Željković
Teorija informacija sa pripremama u kriptologiji
Vojnoizdavački zavod, 1979.Hardcover.

Seljačka buna : historička pripovijest XVI. vijeka

August Šenoa
Seljačka buna : historička pripovijest XVI. vijeka
Minerva nakladna knjižara, 1932.Hardcover.

Hrvatska u mreži mafije, kriminala i korupcije

Darko Petričić
Hrvatska u mreži mafije, kriminala i korupcije

The task of this book is to unmask selected individuals who control the state and manage our lives, while the second task is to show that there is no healthy segment of society in Croatia.

Argus media, 2009.Hardcover.

Uvooo! Eviva nam kumpanija, poša nam je alavija! - Etnografija Lastovskoga po...

Joško Ćaleta, Iva Niemčić
Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 2022.Hardcover with dust jacket.
Alan Ford: Gumiflex

Alan Ford: Gumiflex

Max Bunker
Borgis d.o.o..Paperback.

Zagor :31: Laguna živih mrtvaca

Slobodna Dalmacija, 1996.Paperback.

Alan Ford: Minuettin Minuet

Max Bunker
Strip-Agent d.o.o., 2007.Paperback.

Čuvaj se senjske ruke, Devojka sa Sijere

Andrija Maurović
Dečje novine, 1981.Paperback.
Alan Ford: Tajna triju??? (145)

Alan Ford: Tajna triju??? (145)

Max Bunker
Korpus d.o.o., 2005.Paperback.
Alan Ford #73: Doktor Rakar

Alan Ford #73: Doktor Rakar

Max Bunker
Strip-agent d.o.o, 2008.Paperback.

Zagor #19 : Čudni gospodin Smith

Guido Nolitta
Slobodna Dalmacija, 1997.Paperback.

Alan Ford: Vodite ljubav sa..

Max Bunker
Korpus d.o.o., 2003.Paperback.

Martin Mystere #30 Tajni život Diane Lombard

Slobodna Dalmacija, 1997.Paperback.
Gornja Jelenska

Gornja Jelenska

Nedeljko Pintarić, Stjepan Beleta, Jakov Radovčić, Katarina Kr...
Ceres, 2002.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Keramika i staklo 17. i 18. stoljeća iz starog franjevačkog samostana

Ida Horvat, Radmila Biondić
Keramika i staklo 17. i 18. stoljeća iz starog franjevačkog samostana
Muzej Slavonije, 2007.Hardcover.

Joseph Haydn (Musikergedenkstätten)

Adelbert Schusser
Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 1994.Paperback.
Modernism Rediscovered

Modernism Rediscovered

Julius Shulman, Pierluigi Serraino

The buildings burned in our memories, which to us represent the spirit of fifties and sixties architectural design, were those whose pictures were widely published in magazines and books; but what about those that got lost in the process?

Taschen, 2009.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Umjetničko blago Hrvatske

Radovan Ivančević
24 sata, 1993.Hardcover with dust jacket.
Petrova mi gora mati informativno-historijski vodč

Petrova mi gora mati informativno-historijski vodč

Mile Dakić
Prosvjeta, 1973.Paperback.

Svetska revolucija

Tomáš G. Masaryk
Kosmos, 1935.Hardcover.

Od Nina do Knina

Od Nina do Knina
Muzej Mimara, 1992.Paperback.

Učiteljska škola u Osijeku: ravnatelji, profesori i maturanti (1893.-1965.)

Ljuba Radman, Nada Lagumdžija, Irena ...
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), 2004.Hardcover.

Nova enciklopedija seksologije

J.-M. Lo Duca
Nova enciklopedija seksologije

Sexology-lexicon. General sexology, sexuality, psychoanalysis, eroticism, erotology, bibliography.

Nolit, 1973.Hardcover with dust jacket.


Aleksandar Ugrenović
Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1953.Paperback with dust jacket.

Hrvatski hip hop - Rokane rime

Šareni dućan, 2001.Paperback.
Sabrana dela Šarla Bodlera

Sabrana dela Šarla Bodlera

Charles Baudelaire
Narodna knjiga, 1979.Hardcover with dust jacket.
Venedig - Kunst und Geschichte

Venedig - Kunst und Geschichte

BiL commerce, 1999.Paperback.
Traktat o medalji – Treći memorijal Ive Kordića

Traktat o medalji – Treći memorijal Ive Kordića

Bogdan Mesinger

The original author's work of the doyen of Croatian literature and culture, built on the basis of long-term research, presents the historical development of medal making in Croatia, where the phenomenon of the medal itself is theoretically interpreted.

The theoretical segments of this book are based on the synthesis of the study of medal-making with the principles and methods of semiology: namely, Mesinger elaborated his theoretical discussion on the medal in a completely original way - using the theory of signs. Semantic analysis and semiological approach to the medal phenomenon derive from the author's domiciled scientific field of activity...

Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, 1987.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Joseph Haydn (Musikergedenkstätten)

Adelbert Schusser
Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 1994.Paperback.

Annual Exhibition of Sporting Paintings

Richard Green
Westminster Press, 1977.Hardcover.

Uncut Magazine April 2008

Uncut Magazine April 2008

The Rolling Stones: Mick and Keith on a lifetime of riffs and rifts. Plus The Beatles, Ian Dury, Pavement, Bauhaus...and lots more.

UNCUT, 2008.Paperback.


VPA, 1988.Paperback.