
We present to you some of the books from our offer. An overview of all books is available by category. You can also use our search engine to quickly find the desired title.

The Breakdown of Nations

Leopold Kohr
The Breakdown of Nations

This book shows that throughout history people who have lived in small states, where political leaders are accessible rather than remote, are happier, more peaceful, more creative and more prosperous.

Christopher Davies Publishers, 1957.Paperback.

Dela Borisa Pasternaka I: Poezija

Boris Pasternak
Dela Borisa Pasternaka I: Poezija
Slovo Ljubve, 1979.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Sve do Srca Svijeta

Blaise Cendrars
Sve do Srca Svijeta
Naklada MD, 2002.Paperback.

Ružičasto raspeće III: Nexus

Henry Miller

Henry Miller's "Nexus" is part of the "The Rosy Crucifixion" trilogy, in which, with less intensity than in his most famous works published in the 1930s in Paris, his rebellion against the stubborn and hypocritical America is sublimated.

Otokar Keršovani, 1978.Hardcover.

Early Erotic Photography

Serge Nazarieff
Early Erotic Photography
Taschen, 1993.Paperback.

Domaća kuhinja

Ivanka Karačić
Domaća kuhinja
Znanje, 1989.Hardcover.

Unsere Kinder-Arbeit

Hans Rasimus, Lissi Lehmann, Else Eck...
Essegg, 1941.Paperback.

Hrvatska u raljama djece komunizma

Tihomir Dujmović
Hrvatska u raljama djece komunizma

Vladimir Filakovac 1892 - 1972.

Jelica Ambruš

The monograph presents the work and life path of V. Filakovac, painter, illustrator, caricaturist and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.

Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, 2009.Hardcover with dust jacket.
Social Science
Ženski eros i civilizacija smrti

Ženski eros i civilizacija smrti

Vjeran Katunarić
Naprijed, 1984.Paperback.

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The phenomenal international bestseller that shows us how to stop trying to predict everything - and take advantage of uncertainty

Penguin books, 2007.Paperback.

Upravna znanost (izbor radova)

J. Moreau, R. Mayntz, F. W. Schapf, M...

The book deals with the concept of administration and its meaning in contemporary society. It studies the development, role, types and models of administration.

Naprijed, 1995.Paperback.


Ljubomir Hotujac
Medicinska naklada, 2006.Paperback.
Uvod u psihoanalizu: Edip, Hamlet, Jekyll i Hyde

Uvod u psihoanalizu: Edip, Hamlet, Jekyll i Hyde

Željka Matijašević

The book is intended as an introduction to psychoanalytic literary criticism through analyzes of works by authors to whom the most psychoanalytic interpretations are devoted.

Thus, the book contains five detailed analyzes of the following works: Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus; Hamlet; Stolen letter; Crime and Punishment and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Each individual chapter contains an overview of psychoanalytic interpretations of the mentioned works, starting from Freud to contemporary psychoanalytic theories.
For example, the analysis of W. Shakespeare's Ham...

Leykam International, 2011.Paperback.

Baštinska kultura u pamćenju grada

Hrvoje Mesić
Naklada Ljevak, 2019.Hardcover.

Hrvatski planinarski atlas

Dr. Željko Poljak
Golden marketing.Paperback.

Thalassia Jugoslavica

Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1960.Paperback.

Tri Evina lica

Corbett H. Thigpen, Hervey M. Cleckley
Zora, 1960.Hardcover.
University textbooks
Higijena i škola

Higijena i škola

Živko Prebeg, Živka Prebeg
Školska knjiga, 1982.Hardcover.

Sportska medicina

Radovan Medved

Second, renewed and supplemented edition.

JUMENA, 1987.Paperback.

Veliki atlas svijeta

Alfonso Cvitanović
Mladinska knjiga, 1972.Hardcover with dust jacket.


Heinz Weihrich, Harold Koontz

Translation of the tenth American edition of the book, which has been enriched with many new information related to contemporary ideas, techniques and characteristics of management.

Mate d.o.o, 1994.Hardcover.
Opstetričko-ginekološka propedeutika

Opstetričko-ginekološka propedeutika

Stjepan Vidaković

Manualia Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis - Textbooks of the University of Zagreb

Medicinska naklada, 1972.Hardcover with dust jacket.


Philip Kotler, John A. Caslione

Management and Marketing in Turbulent Times. An indispensable guide for business leaders who strive to survive today's economic storms and thrive in tomorrow's inevitable turbulence.

Mate d.o.o, 2009.Paperback with dust jacket.
Putem svile do bogatstva: kako možete zarađivati investirajući u novootkriveno azijsko blagostanje

Putem svile do bogatstva: kako možete zarađivati investirajući u novootkriveno azijsko blagostanje

Yiannis G. Mostrous, Elliott H. Gue, Ivan D. Martchev

A group of financial analysts and journalists offers answers to the questions.

Asia is today the world's number 1 growth story. Far-sighted investors will realize enormous profits by investing in companies that benefit from Asia's historic transformation. In Silk Road to Riches, a group of first-class financial analysts and newspaper editors point you to the right companies, the right sectors, and the right strategies.

You will learn how Asia's accelerated integration ...

Mate d.o.o, 2009.Hardcover with dust jacket.

Profesionalna integracija slijepih

Vladimir Stančić, Frane Tonković, Goj...
Fakultet za defektologiju, 1979.Paperback.

Osnove upravljačkog računovodstva

Leslie Chadwick
Osnove upravljačkog računovodstva

The basics of management accounting, published by Prentice Hall, is a concise, analytical and recognizable edition that introduces us to the key topics of successful business.

Mate d.o.o, 2000.Paperback with dust jacket.

Priručnik kliničke onkologije

D. K. Hossfeld, C. D. Sherman, R. R. ...
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1992.Paperback.