Foma Gordejev
The plot of the novel follows the life of a young man, Foma Gordeyev, who inherits a large business empire from his powerful and wealthy father.
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The plot of the novel follows the life of a young man, Foma Gordeyev, who inherits a large business empire from his powerful and wealthy father.
Reprint of the 1885 edition published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, edited and preface written by Tomo Maretić. The reprint was edited and the foreword was written by Josip Bratulić.
The author delved deeply into the soul of his hero and through his fate showed how capitalism can kill a man.
Official monograph of the 4th ZOI in Garmich-Partenkirchen in 1936, with numerous illustrations, some in color (including an advertising poster by Ludwig Hohlwein) and 2 double-sided plates.
The need for such a dictionary has been felt for a long time, and not only among the few experts of the Latin language. Namely, the existing dictionaries cannot satisfy the ever-increasing demands of users.
Dictionaries from the beginning of the 20th century (Katić, Žepić) with their archaic fund of words and the complete lack of meta-linguistic features, i.e. their reprints, can only remain an attempt to satisfy the needs of today's pupils, students, priests, lawyers, doctors, philosophers, agronomists, astronomers, political scientists...
The dictionary actually consists of two parts: the first...
The book deals with topics such as secularization, religious pluralism, and the relationship between church and state.
The third volume of Aleksandar Molnar's four-volume work, which aims to reconstruct the path of thought that has been spread over the last twenty-five centuries on the soil of Europe and America and which resulted in the modern theory of the democratic co
Coincidence is an invented word to cover up the importance of the connection between facts, people and events, so I am sending that, as the most important message, as an incentive for CHANGES!
The book explores how Marxist theory can be applied to contemporary social and economic problems.
The Windows XP operating system is intended for both home and business users.
The book contains five parts: in the first part, the beginnings of working with Windows XP are explained, in the second part, users, hardware and software. The third part explains in detail the issues of setting up and maintaining the system, and the fourth one talks about files and security. The final, fifth unit deals with the area of multimedia, networks and the Internet. The manual is accom...
A program for creating databases from the Office XP package
This manual covers various aspects of crossing markings, including clothoid shapes and symmetrical curve calculations.