Psihologija i mogućnosti zloupotrebe

Psihologija i mogućnosti zloupotrebe

Stevan P. Petrović

Petrović analyzes the ways in which psychological techniques and theories can be used to manipulate and control people, and warns of the ethical implications of such abuses.

The book "Psychology and the possibilities of misuse" by Stevan P. Petrović, published in 1984, investigates how psychological knowledge can be misused in different contexts.

Milomir Glišić
21 x 15 cm
Dečje novine, Gornji Milanovac, 1984.
Distribution: 3,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Discounted price: 13.2610.61
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