Zrcalo sjećanja: ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu

Zrcalo sjećanja: ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu

Miroslav Volf

The central premise of the book is that in the very heart of the Christian faith there are important elements that can help us to remember well.

So the author claims that we remember well when we remember at the foot of the cross. In this book, Volf deals almost exclusively with the memories of the victims. His first question is: How can those who have suffered guilt remember correctly? Of course, it is also important to think about how those who have committed injustice should be properly remembered. Because Christ's cross and resurrection are also the key to remembering the perpetrators themselves.

Original title
The end of memory, remembering rightly in a violent world
Roman Karlović
Zoran Grozdanov
Graphics design
Damir Bralić
21 x 13.5 cm
Ex Libris, Rijeka, 2012.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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