Arno Breker: Ausstellung in der Orangerie Paris 1942
Rare book

Arno Breker: Ausstellung in der Orangerie Paris 1942

Albert Buesche

A small accompanying booklet, also a catalog for the exhibition from August 2 to 31 in Paris. Photos by Charlotte Rohrbach and Marc Vaux. Black and white illustrations, partly over the entire page. Rare edition.

The exhibition was organized by the German Labor Front NSG "Strength through Joy" on behalf of the High Command of the German Wehrmacht. 51 exhibits and drawings were exhibited. Charlotte Rohrbach became famous for her photographs of Breker's sculptures. She is considered a top photographer, although her work is heavily burdened by collaboration with the Third Reich. Albert Buesche (theatre and art critic) was probably in Paris before 1933 and saw his task as carrying out cultural propaganda for the "New Germany". Introduction and notes by Albert Buesche. With 3 photo illustrations (2 full pages) of Breker at work, 7 photo illustrations of drawings (by Marc Vaux) and 32 mostly full page photo illustrations of sculptures based on photographs by Charlotte Rohrbach.

Charlotte Rohrbach, Marc Vaux
15.7 x 11.7 cm
Desfossés, Paris, 1942.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: German.

One copy is available

Covers stained from use. Cover damage restored and cover reinforced. The interior of the book is neat.
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Stains on cover

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