Knjiga o djeci

Knjiga o djeci


"Look into a child's eyes - you will not see anything deeper than them. A child's eyes are an abyss, they have no bottom." - Osho

Children possess authentic freedom. They are cheerful, playful and naturally creative. But while growing up, most children sacrifice themselves to the gods of "productivity" and polite behavior to such an extent that all they are left with is nostalgia for their childhood.

Osho says: "Intelligent people are haunted by childhood experiences all their lives. They want it back again - they want that same innocence, the same wonder, the same beauty."

Although each adult generation swears with the best of intentions not to repeat the mistakes of the past, they still find themselves imposing their own inherited limitations on the next generation. This book represents a "movement for the liberation of the child" that will reject the old patterns and enable a completely new way of behavior of human beings. This is a guide for adults to become aware of their own conditioning in their relationship with their children. And with this awareness comes the knowledge of when a child needs to be looked after and protected, and when to get out of his way so that he can blossom and realize his greatest potential and ability while being happy. OSHO is one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the twentieth century. he is known for his revolutionary contribution to the art of inner transformation. His teaching is spreading more and reaching all truth seekers of all ages in practically every country of the world.

Original title
The Book of Children
Dolores Jovanović
Leonardo Marušić
20.5 x 12 cm
Leo Commerce, Zagreb, 2018.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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