Zanimljiva gramatika
This book is a collection of unusual stories about the language, its grammatical structure and spelling. Here, the reader is not a mere recipient of grammar lessons, but an engaged participant in the exciting discovery of the essence of linguistic phenome
An immediate, easy and witty way of talking about grammar and spelling issues, with the maximum engagement of the reader, in addition to various language games: riddles, quizzes, puzzles, puzzles, anagrams, etc., offers Serbian language teachers in our schools an inventive starting point for processing language material in regular classes, or in the work of linguistic sections, and for students and all those who are interested in language and linguistic regularity, interesting reading that will enable them to expand and they deepen their knowledge of the language... In this way, in cooperation with the reader, things are clarified, misconceptions and errors are removed, and the knowledge of the standard language norm comes in the end as the result of a joint search and a valuable reward for the effort invested. This originality, the attractiveness of the cognitive path, is the basic charm of "Interesting Grammar".
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