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This book is intended to introduce you to what I consider to be the most natural substances and the best natural remedies.
As a doctor with a practice of 50 years, I have come to three important conclusions regarding the cause and treatment of diseases, which are the subject of this book. The first is that germs are not the initial causes of disease. In fact, I think that the disease is caused by intoxication that damages cells, giving them the ability to multiply and increase aggressiveness.
My second conclusion is that in almost all cases, the use of drugs as a treatment for treating patients is harmful. Drugs often cause secondary effects that we ignore, which sometimes cause new diseases. The dubious benefit of the drug allows the patient temporary relief and benefit, but the amount of the latest drugs on the market is constantly increasing and the doctor is less and less able to see the dangers they cause through their secondary effects. My third conclusion is that the disease can be cured by using a healthy diet. This statement may seem very simple to you, but I arrived at it after intensive and complex investigations in the field of colloidal and endocrine chemistry. My conclusions are based on the results of experience and observations gathered during many years of practice.
It happened to me that I had to use drugs in urgent and rare cases I have always tried to prescribe to my patients "anti-dote" - the natural methods that nature has made available to them.
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