Social Science
Osnove upravljačkog računovodstva
The basics of management accounting, published by Prentice Hall, is a concise, analytical and recognizable edition that introduces us to the key topics of successful business.
Osnovi penologije
The book provides a thorough overview of penology, the branch of criminology that deals with the study of penal systems and the treatment of convicted persons.
Osnovna pitanja teorije i politike ekonomskog razvoja
Osnovni problemi krivičnog prava i druge studije
The book "Basic problems of criminal law and other studies" by Toma Živanović deals with the analysis of key issues in the field of criminal law and legal philosophy.
Osnovno opće obrazovanje odraslih i programirana nastava
Osobni opis
The book is known for its deep analysis and practical advice that is useful for personal development.
Oštećenja vida - biopsihosocijalni aspekti
O toleranciji: Koliko smo tolerantni u obitelji, na poslu, u društvu
The fact that tolerance is talked about a lot, but too little is known, prompted me to reconsider tolerance in the daily life of each of us and society as a whole.
Social Science
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