Karitativni fond UPT
Titles in our offer
Apostolsko vjerovanje prema katekizmu Katoličke Crkve
The book "The Apostles' Creed according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" written by Christoph Schönborn provides a detailed explanation of the Apostles' Creed in the context of the Catholic Church.
Čaša se moja prelijeva
The book My glass is overflowing by author Roza Hrstić is a collection of spiritual reflections and prayers that reflect the author's deep faith and spiritual experience.
Devetnica Gospi od Svete Krunice
Džepni katekizam za djecu i odrasle
"Pocket Catechism for Children and Adults" is a book translated from French by Srećko Bošnjak and published in 1996 by the Bishop's Ordinariate in Đakovo.
Iz tvoje vjere izvire život
The book Life springs from your faith takes the reader through a spiritual journey based on the Christian faith.
Ja i svagdanja stvarnost
"I and Everyday Reality" is a book by Vojko Devetak that deals with everyday life and reality through the author's unique perspective. The book explores various aspects of everyday situations, offering deep insights and reflections on life.
Jer ja želim živjeti: Oslobodih se ovisnosti
"Because I want to live: I got rid of addiction" is a book written by Kris, which describes his personal struggle with addiction and the road to recovery.
Kamo idemo? (Orijentacione točke)
How can upbringing be successful without reliable authority, how can an addiction be cured without real life values?
Križni put spasenja
Deep spiritual experience and connection with Jesus
Lordova golubica
This romance novel is simple, naive and pure. While walking with children and a dog, along the seashore, a naval officer finds a boy in a deep unconsciousness.