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Moj mali Eko : Katolički kalendar 2001
Na putu odrastanja (Pisma Tomislavu)
Obitelj – kakva odvažnost
The book Family - what courage by the author Pavle Madžarević is a collection of reflections on the family as a fundamental unit of society and the Church.
Oče tebi je sve moguće – Molitvenik s molitvama u velikoj nevolji
This prayer book wants to help Christians in prayer, especially in difficult life trials when the cross of life proves to be too heavy for them.
Problem mladih: Sto pitanja, sto odgovora
Through one hundred questions and answers, the author offers practical advice and solutions for problems such as education, relationships with parents, friendship, love and self-confidence.
Sedam znakova: Čudesa u Ivanovu evanđelju kao znakovi za ozdravljenje
The book "Seven Signs: Miracles in the Gospel of John as Signs for Healing" by Jörg Zink explores the miracles described in the Gospel of John and their meaning for modern life.
Spašen sam : riječi samopouzdanja
The book is designed to help readers find meaning and peace in everyday life through prayer and spiritual practice.
Stvorite molitvene zajednice u Crkvi!
"The dwelling of God among men": it is the sanctuary, the living Lord, the Risen One, the king of kings, the Lord of our life. This is the development that is described in this booklet: Gather around that house of God among people!