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Palmotićeva ul. 30
Titles in our offer
1968. : godina koja je uzdrmala svijet
Bijelo se pere na devedeset
The autobiographical novel White Washed at Ninety is a poignant and moving literary story about dealing with illness, transience and fears. It is also a story about love - between daughter and mother, brother and sister, grandson and grandmother, a girl g
Blud i svetost: Eseji o Mariji Magdaleni
Dimitrije Popović in the book Fornication and Holiness talks about the fatal biblical woman Mary Magdalene who becomes a saint from a prostitute. It is this inner transformation of the intriguing female personality that represents the transformation from
Brodovi nad gradom
Nenad Rizvanović is a writer of memories and a writer of Osijek, the city of his childhood and youth, who documents the only way in which literature is truly created - its people.
Djevojka u gradu: djevojaštvo u 19. stoljeću
With a careful approach to sources and terms, consistent interdisciplinarity and openness, Dubravka Zima's book opens and establishes parameters for a critical understanding of girlhood in its historical perspective.
Doručak s Buddhom
Every day of their journey together, Rimpoche unobtrusively opens Ott's shell of a stubborn skeptic and introduces him to the spiritual dimension of life.
Dragi, postala sam vještica prošlog petka
What to do if a man offers a woman wealth, career, fame and love? It's hard to resist — who doesn't want to be better than others these days?