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Titles in our offer
O zapadnjačkome terorizmu : Od Hirošime do ratovanja bespilotnim letjelicama
Patuljci žive u kuglama
Books like this one warn us that the classic fairy tale models are still not completely exhausted and that they can serve as a starting point for modern stories that will find their readers among the children of the virtual generation.
Kristina Ohlsson managed to achieve something that many tried before her - to raise the Swedish crime novel to a new, unexpected level.
Plan B: Pioniri borbe s klimatskom krizom i budućnost mobilnosti
Radikalno žrtvovanje
Cultural theorist Terry Eagleton's book Radical Sacrifice is a powerful and insightful cultural analysis of sacrifice - which deals with theology, literature, politics and philosophy - as the foundation of modern, as well as ancient, social order.
Raznoliki stavovi – život Leonarda Cohena
From the beginning of his career, Leonard Cohen lived unobtrusively, staying away from the media, but the world was still surprised when, in 1993, he shaved his head, took off his suit and put on a robe, and went to the Zen Buddhist monastery on Mount Bal
Sadašnjost za vječnost: izbor iz djela
The book presents a selection from the works of Veselko Tenžera, a Croatian critic and feuilletonist who, in his relatively short creative period, left a deep mark on Croatian feuilletonism and literary criticism.
An interesting novel about the fateful contact between man and the sea. In the center of the plot is the boy Tonko, with an extremely vivid imagination, who in the sensitive period of puberty and family crisis is influenced by dreams of the sea.