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Masarykova 24
Titles in our offer
Financije za strateško odlučivanje
Everything non-financial managers need to know.
Financijska tržišta i institucije
"Financial Markets and Institutions" by Frederic S. Mishkin and Stanley G. Eakins (2005 edition) provides a comprehensive overview of financial systems, exploring the role of financial markets, institutions, and instruments in the economy.
Financijski šok: globalna panika i vladine sanacije
The subprime mortgage crisis caused the financial market crash and the global economic crisis. The author explains in a simple and clear way the causes of the crisis, from the collapse of real estate ownership to the mistakes of Alan Greenspan, former cha
Financijsko izvještavanje u Europskoj uniji
The book Financial reporting in the European Union was created as a result of research on the harmonization of financial reporting in the world, and especially in the European Union.
Gartsideovi modeli poslovnih pisama i ostalih poslovnih dokumenata
A unique book on the Croatian market, Gartside's models of business letters and other business documents, in this completely revised and updated fifth edition, includes every imaginable form of business documentation.
Gung Ho! Sve za tvrtku, tvrtku nizašto!
K. Blanchard and S. Bowles, authors of the New York Times business bestseller redRaving Fans, are back with the book Gung Ho.!
Herojsko vodstvo
The book "Heroic Leadership" describes leadership principles inspired by Jesuit methods, emphasizing discipline, adaptability and vision as key elements of successful leadership.
An iconoclast, according to Gregory Burns, denotes a person who thinks unconventionally, subverts established norms and brings innovative ideas despite social pressures.
IT u primjeni
Manager's guide to the application of information technology systems.
Izazovi menadžmenta u XXI. stoljeću
Management challenges in the XXI century. century is a book that strives to provide the reader with a current insight into today's entire business environment, into the ideas, skills and power that the job of managers and executives provides.